BeyondSquare Solutions, a software products firm headquartered in Bengaluru and PwC India announced today a strategic alliance with an aim to help clients accelerate adoption of digital transformation in the finance function. The alliance will focus on harnessing the power of automation in enabling CFOs and their teams with the ability to engage in complex consolidation, analytics, and reporting with heightened confidence and agility.
Speaking on the partnership, Ritu Rekha, Partner and Leader – Finance Transformation, PwC India said, “BeyondSquare’s flagship product, FinAlyzer is a great addition to our portfolio of digital alliances. Our combined value proposition with FinAlyzer will help us deliver sustained outcomes for our clients in the consolidation and reporting space. This will significantly enhance the accuracy, control, and efficiency of the finance function.”
Venkat PK, co-founder and CEO of BeyondSquare Solutions, mentioned, “PwC India brings to the table not just a very strong digital transformation focus but also a strong examples of value creation for its clients. Our partnership with PwC India, we believe, will help us drive value for CFOs who want to harness the potential of process efficiencies and advanced analytics to unlock actionable insights, make informed decisions, and drive sustainable growth. We are very excited to be associated with PwC India as their strategic partner.
We are excited to collaborate with BeyondSquare Solutions in order to help bring about greater digitalization in the CFO function. We believe there is an opportunity for more value creation, a stronger strategic role for the CFOs, and as such, make finance functions an enabler for the business of the future.
This is making the internal and external stakeholders have hard-dynamic requirements and expectations regarding the adoption of digital in enterprises. In today’s operation, the CFO function needs to help drive digital transformation and proactively contribute to the change of an organization. FinAlyzer forms one uniform platform for managing automation of all aspects with statutory financial consolidation and reporting. It reduces the financial close consolidation and reporting cycle, to a minimum of 65% to 85%, while it reduces the compliance risk significantly.
About Beyond Square Solutions
Beyond Square Solutions is an IT product company based out of India. FinAlyzer, the flagship offering from Beyond Square, is financial consolidation and analysis software that enables organizations to lay the groundwork for greater operational efficiency, improved compliance, clear view of financial performance, and unlock all possible value from financial data – hence ensuring a future of unprecedented growth and success.